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Snake Pass (UE4)

Snake Pass is a physical action-puzzle game that sees the player slither, curl and climb their way through increasingly challenging worlds filled with evermore intricate obstacles and fiendishly mind-bending objectives.

  • Graphics Programmer: As a graphics programmer I implemented the Snake-Grass Interaction system, which enables the grass to deform according to snake's movement. It meant implementing a whole new way to communicate with UE4 material to access the snake's transform data (sphere position and velocity) using textures and then doing some shader magic to move the vertices.

  • Physics Programmer: After grass interaction we wanted to add a way for the foliage to move when interacting with snake. For that​ I had to rig (or skin) all the foliage meshes (in maya) so by adding physics collider to each joint we can use that for collision resolution. However due to performance issues we had to cut back on it :(

  • Maya Scripting: Rigging can be a bit tedious (if you are doing it right and maintaining proper joint flow), so I created a bunch of scripts to automate the task. Now I just had to place the joints (they can be translated, rotated or scaled) and with just one script it would clean the entire rig, zero out all the rotations and properly orient the joints.

  • UI Programmer: I also worked on implementing cross platform leaderboards which involved working with native api-s (Xb1, PS4, Steam).

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